The Most Important Factors to Clients in Selecting Outside Counsel
What do clients care about most when selecting a firm to handle a specific matter? What factors and categories do they consider and, crucial…
What do clients care about most when selecting a firm to handle a specific matter? What factors and categories do they consider and, crucial…
I’ve spent over 20 years working in the legal industry now, including 14 years at law firms — the last dozen or so I’ve specialized in worki…
"PERSUIT won't work for all of our matter types. Besides, isn't it just for AFAs?" It's a misconception we hear a lot. It's true that 70% of…
Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) are an attractive option for in-house teams looking to accomplish specific legal projects or bri…
Using reverse auctions when choosing a law firm is one of the most effective strategies available to in-house legal teams looking to: Encour…
AFAs only represent about 23% of external spend across the legal industry (according to a Bloomberg Law survey). How does this compare to PE…
There’s a misconception that when a corporate legal department uses a competitive RFP process to select outside counsel, it creates a “race …
Law firms sometimes want feedback about how they can win more work with your corporate legal team. It’s a natural question. Firms want to be…
Top law firms command premium prices. That part isn’t surprising. Does that premium hold when they’re invited to an RFP process with fixed-f…
Law firms with corporate clients sometimes receive an RFP from a client without knowing how many other firms are being considered. Were two …