The Most Important Factors to Clients in Selecting Outside Counsel
What do clients care about most when selecting a firm to handle a specific matter? What factors and categories do they consider and, crucial…
What do clients care about most when selecting a firm to handle a specific matter? What factors and categories do they consider and, crucial…
I’ve spent over 20 years working in the legal industry now, including 14 years at law firms — the last dozen or so I’ve specialized in worki…
"PERSUIT won't work for all of our matter types. Besides, isn't it just for AFAs?" It's a misconception we hear a lot. It's true that 70% of…
Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs) are an attractive option for in-house teams looking to accomplish specific legal projects or bri…
Using reverse auctions when choosing a law firm is one of the most effective strategies available to in-house legal teams looking to: Encour…
AFAs only represent about 23% of external spend across the legal industry (according to a Bloomberg Law survey). How does this compare to PE…
As the legal profession continues to prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion in the advancement and progression of its lawyers, members o…
DEI has gotten a lot of attention in recent months. But even with some negative publicity, many corporate legal teams remain committed to th…
Engaging outside counsel in the current environment can be a cumbersome process. Now that organizations are implementing better governance a…
There’s a misconception that when a corporate legal department uses a competitive RFP process to select outside counsel, it creates a “race …