Moving Beyond DEIB Metrics in Legal: 5 Ways Legal Leaders Can Drive More…
Are outdated heuristics of what it means to be a lawyer — starched collar, grey suit, smoothed hair — robbing legal teams of their best tale…
Are outdated heuristics of what it means to be a lawyer — starched collar, grey suit, smoothed hair — robbing legal teams of their best tale…
As the legal profession continues to prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion in the advancement and progression of its lawyers, members o…
DEI has gotten a lot of attention in recent months. But even with some negative publicity, many corporate legal teams remain committed to th…
PERSUIT is the headline sponsor at Legal Leaders on 10-11 November and we cannot wait to see you in person at the conference! There are plen…
PERSUIT got together with Joel Stern, the CEO of the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms, Inc. (NAMWOLF), and asked h…
PERSUIT got together with Joel Stern, the CEO of the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms, Inc. (NAMWOLF) for the thir…
PERSUIT got together with Joel Stern, the CEO of the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms, Inc. (NAMWOLF), and as a pa…
The Diversity and Inclusion Problem: In short, there’s a lack of it. A 2018 NALP survey found that only 19% of law firm equity partners are …
INTRO Maintaining staff diversity and inclusion in the legal industry is an ongoing challenge, especially in daily practice. Legal teams nee…
Just when we thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse after months of Covid-19 lockdown and waves of layoffs, the U.S. was hit with a gut check w…