The Benefits & Downfalls of Volume Commitments
Legal departments are leveraging volume commitment clauses as a way to secure discounted rates from partner firms by committing to a high vo…
Legal departments are leveraging volume commitment clauses as a way to secure discounted rates from partner firms by committing to a high vo…
So you have your panel of preferred firms, it’s a new billing period and you’re negotiating legal rates. You may run into a few problems whe…
The process for running an RFP for legal services is not always an easy one (quick plug - it certainly is with PERSUIT!). Frustrations can a…
New research suggests that law firm panels are losing popularity to matter-level hiring (Buying Legal Council, 2020). What can we do to impr…
Setting Expectations: “Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” These are the wise words of Alexander Pope, a…
2020 is becoming the most unpredictable and turbulent economic downturn of our lifetimes . The stock market plummets then soars; the unemplo…
Persuit, an outside counsel management platform that aims to drive down AFA legal service prices through focusing on transparency, has caugh…
Clients are more interested in collaboration than competition between their legal service providers. Myth 1 “We’ve negotiated excellent pane…